Friday, August 10, 2007

Shoe Storage with Neat Containers

I like to buy one special brand shoes, and usually they are kept in the same brand boxes at my home, so I have to spend some time to find out which one is which one.

But today I was told there is a special Shoe Storage Container (Neat) , and I find Neat Containers is just what I am looking for.

I want to introduce it simple. Here are its features:

1.Remove containers WITHOUT Unstucking or collapsing
3.Space Saving
5.Durable - won't crack even when frozen
6.Dust Free
7.Simple and Easy to use
8.Never lose a shoe again
9.Lids and shoes not falling all over the place
10.Great for all kinds of storage

Ordinary containers stack one on top of each other. If you need a lower one you must unstuck others to get at them but not with our patented design. Individually containers can be pulled completely OUT for easy access with out the rest collapsing or having to unstuck.

It keeps shoes so clear and neat, just like a clear drawer, I definitely want to have one. If you want to have a look, you can check on:

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